Scraping company ratings from an Indeed job site using R

Although I have experience with R, I am new to HTML and CSS. I have been researching various web scraping methods both online and on Stack Overflow in order to implement them using R. However, I am encountering difficulties when it comes to extracting company ratings from job listing pages. Instead of retrieving the expected rating of 4.0 from the example URL, I keep getting character(0).

Below is my approach:


#example URL
url<- ""

page<- read_html(url)

   rvest::html_nodes("span")  %>%
   rvest::html_nodes(xpath = '//*[contains(concat( " ", @class, " " ), concat( " ", "ratingsContent", " " ))]')%>%

#Output is 
#It should return 4.0 instead!

Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this, and also suggest a method for returning NA if the company rating is missing? Thank you!

Answer №1

It appears that the xpath you are using is incorrect. Upon examining the source document, it seems that the desired value can be found within the content attribute of meta tags with the itemprop attribute set to "ratingValue".

Here is a functional example based on your provided URL:

parse_html(url) %>
  html_elements(xpath = "//meta[contains(@itemprop, 'ratingValue')]") %>
  get_attribute("content") %>
#> [1] "3.5"

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