Creating a loader for a specific component in Angular based on the view

Creating a loader for each component view is crucial when loading data from an API. Here is the current structure of my components within my



Now, I need to implement loaders for each component to show while data is being fetched from the API and hide once the data has been loaded.

The goal is to have individual loaders for banner, data, users, displaying them before the data is retrieved and hiding them afterwards. How can this be accomplished?

Answer №1

create a


ensure it is reusable

keep it nested within the


in the ngOnInit() method of each component, hide the

once the response is received

Answer №2

Consider utilizing the @Input decorator for your loader component:

    selector: "app-loader",
    templateUrl: ["./app-loader.component.html"]
export default class LoaderComponent{
  @Input() isLoading: boolean = true;

Don't forget to include an if statement in your template.

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