Sass: Setting a maximum width relative to the parent element's width

I have a resizable container with two buttons inside, one of which has dynamic text.

Within my scss file, I am aiming to implement a condition where if the width of the container is less than 200, then the max width of the dynamic button should be 135px, otherwise it should be 200px.

.Buttons {
            height: 100%;
            margin: 0 auto;
            width: auto;
            text-align: center;

.Button {
        @include box-sizing;

        margin: 9px 9px 9px 9px;
        min-width: 60px;

        &.hot {
            margin-left: 9px;

Answer №1

Based on my personal experience and interpretation of your inquiries, it would be advisable to implement a media query within the "Button" class.

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