SASS: Issues with the @media query functionality

My SASS file is giving me trouble with the media query. The background color changes properly, but the text remains unaffected. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this issue. Below is the HTML and SASS code snippets in question:

<!-- HTML -->
<div class="mobile_only">Mobile only</div>
<div class="tablet_only">Tablet only</div>
<div class="desktop_only">Desktop only</div>
<div class="mobile_and_tablet">Mobile and Tablet</div>
<div class="tablet_and_desktop">Tablet and Desktop</div>
<div class="all_views">All views</div>

<!-- SASS -->
@mixin mq($display, $breakpoint)
    @media #{$display} and #{$breakpoint}

$mq_phone: "(max-width: 400px)"
$mq_tablet: "(min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 700px)"
$mq_phone_tablet: "(max-width: 700px)"
$mq_laptop: "(min-width: 701px)"
$mq_tablet_laptop: "(min-width: 401px)"

        background: red
        display: block
        display: block
        background: blue
        display: block
        display: block
        background: green
        display: block

Answer №1

Add the color property to customize...

@mixin mq($display, $breakpoint)
    @media #{$display} and #{$breakpoint}

$mq_phone: "(max-width: 400px)"
$mq_tablet: "(min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 700px)"
$mq_phone_tablet: "(max-width: 700px)"
$mq_laptop: "(min-width: 701px)"
$mq_tablet_laptop: "(min-width: 401px)"

        background: red
        color: white
        display: block
        display: block
        background: blue
        color: white
        display: block
        display: block
        background: green
        color: white
        display: block
<div class="mobile_only">Mobile only</div>
<div class="tablet_only">Tablet only</div>
<div class="desktop_only">Desktop only</div>
<div class="mobile_and_tablet">Mobile and Tablet</div>
<div class="tablet_and_desktop">Tablet and Desktop</div>
<div class="all_views">All views</div>

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