Safari is having trouble showing the webpage, although it is working fine on Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox

After updating a client's website, I encountered rendering issues in Safari. Here is the link to the website:

When testing the file on my Linux server with various browsers like Chrome, IE, and Safari, everything looked great without any font or layout issues.

However, after uploading the files to her host site, I noticed that when viewed on Safari 5 and 8, most of the site pages were missing. The content was there but the style sheet wasn't rendering properly. It seems like the server her site is hosted on is running Apache. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions regarding this issue?

  1. Could there have been an error during the upload process?
  2. Is this a server-related problem?

Answer №1

Your MuseoSans_500-webfont.ttf file appears to be corrupted. While the Woff format is rendering correctly, Safari on OS X relies on the ttf format.

Answer №2

After investigating, it appears to be functioning properly on my end.

The issue could potentially be related to a cache problem or something similar.

However, this problem may also arise from the server not having the same configuration as your local WAMP/MAMP setup.

Answer №3

There seems to be a problem with the font, I removed MuseoSans from the stylesheet and that resolved the issue. It was strange that Safari wasn't using the fallback option. For example, in IE, Chrome, and Firefox, I could see Helvetica or Arial, but not in Safari.

p {
font-family: 'museo_sans500', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 22px;
font-weight: normal;
padding: 10px 0px 15px 0px; 


When trying to upload the Museo fonts again, I received an error message from the server stating "FTP error: Cannot create folder MuseoSansItalic. 550 can't create directory, disk quota exceeded."

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