Safari: Fixed-positioned DIVs staying put after DOM updates

Hey there!

I've been experimenting with animating absolutely positioned DIVs on my webpage using some JavaScript to update the top and left CSS properties. It's been working smoothly in Chrome, Firefox, and even Internet Explorer 8. However, I encountered a strange issue when testing it in Safari 5 - the DIVs just remain static. Oddly enough, if I resize the Safari window, they suddenly start moving...

If you're curious, you can check out a demo of what I'm talking about here:

The code used to update the DIVs is quite simple, just a snippet of jQuery (which also handles rotation perfectly fine in Safari):

 '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)',
 '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)',
 'transform': 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)',
 'left': Math.round(this.xPos) + 'px',
 'top': Math.round(this.yPos) + 'px'

I tried adding position:relative to the body, as well as including 'px' and rounding down the values in case Safari was finicky about long floating point numbers. Sadly, no luck - the DIVs stubbornly refuse to budge until the window gets resized...

If you have any insights or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading, Chris.

Answer №1

To fix the issue in Safari 5, replace the top and left properties with the translate sub-property of the transform CSS property.

When using setInterval, avoid using string arguments.


Bird.prototype.draw = function() {
    var transform = 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)' +
                    ' translate('+ this.xPos + 'px,' + this.yPos + 'px)';
          '-webkit-transform': transform,
          '-moz-transform': transform,
          'transform': transform
// ...
var timer1 = setInterval(function(){bird1.animate();}, 50);
var timer2 = setInterval(function(){bird2.animate();}, 50);
var timer3 = setInterval(function(){bird3.animate();}, 50);

A smaller delay than 50 milliseconds could improve animation performance. Consider optimizing your functions by replacing jQuery methods with vanilla JavaScript:

Bird.prototype.draw = function() { = ['-webkit-', '-moz-', '', ''].join(
        'transform:rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)' +
        ' translate(' + this.xPos + 'px,' + this.yPos + 'px);'
    ); // Result: -webkit-transform: ...;-moz-transform:...;transform:...;

Answer №2

This solution may not fit your exact needs, but you might consider utilizing jQuery's .offset() to adjust their position instead of manually modifying their CSS properties. Your implementation would resemble the following:

 '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)',
 '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)',
 'transform': 'rotate(' + (( this.angle * (180 / Math.PI) ) * -1) +'deg)'
 top: Math.round(this.yPos),
 left: Math.round(this.xPos)

I trust this guidance proves helpful!

Sidenote: if you wish to establish the relative position, leverage jQuery's .position().

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