Row in Internet Explorer 7

I have a function that reveals hidden rows in a table, which works perfectly in all tested browsers except for IE7. The function is written using Prototype.js.

function showInactives(){
var row_list = $$('tr.inactive');
var ck =$('inactive_check').checked;
for (i = 0 ; i < row_list.length; i++){
    if (ck) row_list[i].style.display = "table-row";
    else row_list[i].style.display = "none";

In Internet Explorer, the hidden rows remain hidden despite setting their display style to "table-row". They do not show up when alerted either.

How can I make IE7 reveal these hidden rows if it does not support display:table-row?

Thank you for your help, Dave

Answer №1

Consider changing the display to "". Internet Explorer tends to be particular about tables in most cases.

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