Rotating Images with CSS Transitions

Is there a way to rotate an image 90 degrees on click and then back to 0 degrees with another click, using only CSS? I found a solution with jQuery on this website, but I'm looking for a pure CSS alternative.

Answer №1

To achieve rotation using CSS, you can utilize the transform:rotate() property. Below is a basic JavaScript function I created for this purpose.

JavaScript Function:

function rotateElement(elem, angle){
    //Cross-browser support:
    var css = ["-moz-","-webkit-","-ms-","-o-","",""]
               .join("transform:rotate(" + angle + "deg);") += css;

For demonstration purposes, here is an example with a live demo on Fiddle:

window.onload = function(){
    var angle = 0;
    document.getElementById("button").onclick = function(){
        angle += 90 % 360;
        rotateElement(document.getElementById("image"), angle);
<input type="button" id="button" value="Rotate by 90deg">
<img src="" id="image" />

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