Reverse the orientation of the SVG image, for instance, the graph

I've been experimenting with creating a bar graph using SVG, but I'm struggling to understand how it works. I tried rotating an existing graph upside down, but there seems to be a small offset. You can view the corresponding jsfiddle here -

  <div style="width:300px;height:300px;">
  <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" style="width:100%;height:100%" viewBox="0 0 300 300">
        <rect  width="14.55" height="40%" x="0" y="0" fill="black"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="20%" x="50" y="0" fill="green"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="80%" x="100" y="0" fill="red"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="90%" x="150" y="0" fill="yellow"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="10%" x="200" y="0" fill="pink"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="60%" x="250" y="0" fill="orange"></rect>
<div style="width:300px;height:300px;">
 <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" style="width:100%;height:100%" viewBox="0 0 300 300">
    <g transform="rotate(180)">
        <rect  width="14.55" height="40" x="-50" y="-300" fill="black"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="20" x="-100" y="-300" fill="green"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="35" x="-150" y="-300" fill="red"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="90" x="-200" y="-300" fill="yellow"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="10" x="-250" y="-300" fill="pink"></rect>
        <rect  width="14.55" height="60" x="-300" y="-300" fill="orange"></rect>

Answer №1

It's important to keep in mind that when using the rotate() transform, the object will rotate around the coordinates (0,0) - which is the top left corner of the graph in this scenario. The graph being 300px wide and 300px tall means that a 180° rotation will cause the graph to move beyond the top left corner. To correct this, you can utilize a translate transform to adjust the coordinates and bring the drawing back into view. Check out this illustration for better clarification:

Take a look at this updated JSfiddle link with some additional fixes:

Answer №2

Instead of following squeamish's approach, an alternative solution is to utilize the rotate function that includes the rotation origin: rotate(angle x y).

Given that you are working with a graph size of 300x300, using rotate(180 150 150) will suffice.

Check out the demonstration here

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