Revamping Slideshows: Bringing CSS Animation to JavaScript

/* JavaScript */

var slides=0;
var array=new Array('background.jpg','banner.jpg','image.jpg');
var length=array.length-1;

            if (slides<0)
            if (slides>length)
<!-- HTML -->

    <script src=""></script>
    <img src="image.jpg" id="slidess" name="slide" width="200px" height="100px">

Hello there! Can someone assist me in adding CSS animation to this slideshow? Despite trying various options, I have been unable to make it work. I attempted to incorporate a start class for the animation and then replace it with an end class at the conclusion of the function, but unfortunately, it had no effect!

Answer №1

According to @pirate, if you are currently using JavaScript and would prefer to utilize CSS for animation, a code refactor is necessary. Take a look at some examples provided in this resource along with the techniques employed by the author.

Here is an informative guide that explains how to create a basic HTML, jQuery, and CSS slider.

What specific type of animation are you interested in incorporating into your code?

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