Resize the p-accordion within a p-splitter using PrimeNG programmatically

Please find the code for my component below:

In this component, I have a p-splitter that is divided into 3 sections. Each section contains a p-accordion, which in turn includes a p-table.

<div class="card w-full">
        <p-splitter [panelSizes]="[30, 40, 30]" styleClass="mb-5">
            <ng-template pTemplate>
                <p-accordion [activeIndex]="0" styleClass="h-full">
                    <p-accordionTab header="Signed PDF Documents">
                        <div class="flex justify-content-between">
                                <h6>Proposal PDF Documents</h6>
                            <div><a>Add Attachment(s)</a></div>
                        <ng-template pTemplate>
                            <p-table [value]="documentList" styleClass="p-3 p-datatable-striped">
                                <ng-template pTemplate="header">
                                        <th pSortableColumn="name">Attachment Name
                                            <p-sortIcon field="name"></p-sortIcon>
                                <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-doc>
                                        <td><a>{{ }}</a></td>

I am facing two specific challenges:

  1. How can I ensure all accordion sections are of the same size, regardless of content? Currently, each accordion grows based on its content, but I want them to be uniform in size (the largest size among the three).
  2. Is there a way to prevent the splitter from being resized by the user? Currently, users can resize the splitter, but I would like to restrict this functionality. How can I achieve this?

I appreciate any assistance or guidance provided!

Warm regards,
Nitin Avula.

Answer №1

In most cases, component CSS is isolated to the component itself. However, we can utilize ::ng-deep to break this isolation and allow the CSS styles to affect elements outside of the component!

How do I ensure that all accordion elements have the same size, regardless of their dynamic content causing them to grow unevenly? How can I set a uniform size for all three accordions (based on the largest size)?

To achieve this, I include the following CSS code to ensure that the full height is applied to all accordion elements within the specified class custom-accordion, thereby containing the styling to the individual accordion:


<div class="card w-full custom-accordion" [ngClass]="{'no-resize': noResize}">


::ng-deep .custom-accordion .p-accordion-content {
    height: calc(100% - 54px) !important;

::ng-deep .custom-accordion .p-toggleable-content,
::ng-deep .custom-accordion .p-accordion-tab,
::ng-deep .custom-accordion p-accordiontab,
::ng-deep .custom-accordion .p-accordion {
    height:100% !important;

Is there a way to prevent users from resizing the splitter element? How can I disable the resizing feature of the splitter?

If you wish to restrict the resizing functionality, you can hide the resize bar with the class p-splitter-gutter, applying the concept of scoping it to the accordion level using the class no-resize:


<button (click)="noResize = !noResize">toggle Resize</button>
<div class="card w-full custom-accordion" [ngClass]="{'no-resize': noResize}">


/* disable the resize */
::ng-deep .no-resize .p-splitter-gutter {
    display: none !important;



import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ImportsModule } from './imports';

  selector: 'splitter-horizontal-demo',
  templateUrl: './splitter-horizontal-demo.html',
   // more TypeScript code here
export class SplitterHorizontalDemo {
  // TypeScript logic here


// HTML template code here

Stackblitz Demo

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