Require text to display as carousel scrolls by

I am currently using 'Owl Carousel' to showcase content on my website. Underneath the carousel, there is a special text block that I want to update as I scroll through the carousel. Unfortunately, my jQuery skills are not strong enough to make this happen. The text should change depending on which element is at the center of the carousel.

For instance, if element number 1 is in the center, I want the text to display: "Hello, this is the first element". As I scroll to the next element, the previous text should disappear and be replaced by the text associated with the new element.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this?

// Using Owl Carousel plugin version 2.2.1

<div class="owl-carousel projects-carousel">
    <div class="projects-Wrapper">
        <div class="projects-img-wrapper">
            <a class="popup-youtube" href="#"><img src="img/projects/1.png" alt="Jey The Dog"></a>
    <div class="projects-Wrapper">
        <div class="projects-img-wrapper">
        <a class="popup-youtube" href="#"><img src="img/projects/2.png" alt="Jey The Cat"></a>

<div class="text-block">
    <!-- Need help connecting the carousel elements with their corresponding text here -->

Answer №1

Include the following content into the slider:

<div class="owl-carousel projects-carousel">
    <div class="projects-Wrapper">
        <div class="projects-img-wrapper">
            <a class="popup-youtube" href="#"><img src="img/projects/1.png" alt="Jey The Dog"></a>
        <p>Enter your desired text here</p>
    <div class="projects-Wrapper">
        <div class="projects-img-wrapper">
        <a class="popup-youtube" href="#"><img src="img/projects/2.png" alt="Jey The Cat"></a>
        <p>Enter your desired text here</p>

Next, you can use CSS to adjust their positions:

.projects-Wrapper {
  position: relative;

.projects-Wrapper p {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  top: 25%;

Answer №2

I have managed to find a solution to my own query, which may be beneficial to others in the future. Here is how I tackled it:

    navText: ["<i class='fa fa-long-arrow-left'></i>","<i class='fa fa-long-arrow-right'></i>"],
    items: 3
// This code block places the content of the central carousel element onto the page by default.
$('.projects-h3 h3').html($('.center .project-content h3').html());
$('.projects-text p').html($('.center .project-content p').html());

/* Identifies the central element in the PROJECTS carousel (using the '.center' class which is part of the owl carousel plugin) each time the navigation button is clicked and updates the text content accordingly. */
$(".projects-carousel .owl-nav").click(function(){
  $('.projects-h3 h3').html($('.center .project-content h3').html());
  $('.projects-text p').html($('.center .project-content p').html());

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