Tips for swapping text with an image or icon during mobile scaling

As a newcomer to this field, I am facing challenges in finding specific answers. My current objective is to convert text labels into images when the viewport shrinks to mobile sizes. The complexity arises from the fact that I am employing Leaflet, a JavaScript library for Open Street Maps, which structures elements differently and requires custom styling injections.

For an interactive display showcasing icons, you can visit my live page: (please note the ongoing work on SSL certification).

The complete set of inline styles can be found towards the end of the page, addressing various aspects of my project:

  • I have directly styled the input because Leaflet inserts a div between label and input, preventing me from triggering animations on the label based on the state changes of the "checked" input.

  • By utilizing JavaScript, I inject a class into my labels. This customization is facilitated by Leaflet's functionality, as exemplified below:

var overlayMaps = {
       "All Playgrounds": dummy[0],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Restrooms'>": dummy[1],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Public grills'>": dummy[2],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Accessible equipment'>": dummy[3],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Indoor area'>": dummy[4],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Fully fenced'>": dummy[5],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Partially fenced'>": dummy[6],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Animals'>": dummy[7],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Pool or beach'>": dummy[8],
       "<img class='icons' src='' alt='Toddler Area'>": dummy[9]
  • To tackle layout issues on smaller screens caused by unmanageable margins within the flex container, check out the visual representation of the problem here: photo of current mobile view

Exploring options such as jQuery (although unfamiliar to me) could potentially resolve the dilemma of adapting the flex container design on mobile devices while seamlessly transitioning from text-based content on desktops to icon-driven representations on smaller screens. Here's a reference link showcasing the text-only version: . My ultimate aim is to optimize the display of the control box (filters) on mobile interfaces without triggering overflow scroll boxes or forcing users to navigate through excessive scrolling distances to reach the map itself.

Please feel free to provide any insights or assistance regarding these challenges.

<div class="flexcontainer">
    <div id="new-parent">

<script>// Create the control and add it to the map;

var control = L.control.layers(null, overlayMaps,{collapsed:false});

// Call the getContainer routine.
var htmlObject = control.getContainer();
// Get the desired parent node.
var a = document.getElementById('new-parent');

// Finally append that node to the new parent.
function setParent(el, newParent)
setParent(htmlObject, a);


*, *::before, *::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  vertical-align: middle;

body {
    color: #435757;
    background: radial-gradient(#fff, #dac4cd);
    font: min(3vw, 16px) 'Montserrat';
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    flex-direction: column;
label:first-of-type {
    border: 3px solid #689c93;
    margin: min(1vw,10px) 75%;
    flex: 0 0 30%;
    border-radius: 100px;
label {
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    padding: min(.5vw, 5px) min(3vw, 15px) min(.5vw, 5px) min(.5vw, 5px);
    color: #000;
    background-color: transparent;
    white-space: nowrap;
    cursor: pointer;
    user-select: none;
    transition: background-color .2s, box-shadow .2s;
    flex: 0 0 20%;
    border-radius: 100px;


.flexcontainer {
    display: flex !important;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

.icons {
    width: 70px;

#new-parent {
    position: relative;


Answer №1

Below is the solution:

Step 1: Conceal the text when the width of the browser is below 991px or on mobile screens with a width less than 991px;

Step 2: Define a background image.

@media all and (max-width:991px){

       transition:all 0.3s;  
       background-size:50px 25px;

       transition:all 0.3s;       
       background-size:50px 25px;


... similarly for other elements ...

<span id="tst1">Restrooms</span>

<span id="tst2">Public grills</span>

... likewise for remaining items ...

I have made some slight adjustments to your code for functionality. Please expand the browser to full screen and resize it to observe the changes.

Additionally, substitute the corresponding sections of your code with this script and implement CSS. Although I used 991px as the breakpoint, you may choose a different breakpoint if desired.

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