For a challenge, I am trying to achieve the effect of moving an element when hovering over it in the view using only CSS. I have explored some options but none seem to work as expected.
<span class="hoverOver"> </span>
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Thank you for the responses.
I managed to partly solve the issue by following the suggestion provided by Jaclyn Ciringione, utilizing the :hover selector and taking inspiration from this post: CSS3 animation translate3d not working
As a result, I created the following CSS code: (I had to reposition the class to the div for it to function correctly)
-webkit-transition:all 0.3s linear;
-moz-transition:all 0.3s linear;
-o-transition:!slinear600 230xanslate(%ranrafn
-ms-transdforsb1caal l ic]]ar;
transftsr humannl ;}
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<div class="hoverOver">
<span > I WANT TO MOVE</span>