Replace the placeholder text with an icon

I am having trouble changing the placeholder text using a function. I am unable to add any additional code to style the text, such as making it bold or adding an icon next to it. When I try to do so, the code is displayed as text instead of being executed. Here is the code snippet I am using:

$('#email').attr('placeholder', '<i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> Invalid email.')

Instead of displaying the icon and text styled as intended, it shows the code itself:

"<i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> Invalid email"
. I have also attempted to use CSS and HTML functions to style the placeholder text, but they do not work. The only function that successfully changes the placeholder text for me is the attr method.

Answer №1

If you simply want to update the appearance after submitting, one potential solution is to utilize stacked HTML components to showcase the icon. By adjusting the padding in the input field, you can create space for the icon and present it as a distinct element displayed at a superior z-index. Numerous guides are available for integrating icons into inputs using this approach.

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