Repeatedly utilizing a drop-down menu

Can a <select> menu be written and utilized in multiple locations on a webpage?

For instance:

<select id="dm">
  <option value="">Select Quantity</option>
  <option value="less ">50 - 60</option>
  <option value="medium ">61 - 70</option>
  <option value="large ">71 - 80</option>
  <option value="xl ">Above 80</option>

What is the method for using this menu multiple times on the same webpage?

Answer №1

To implement the <select> with jQuery, give it a specific class and then utilize the clone() function.

<select class="categoryClass" id="dropMenu">
  <option value="">Select Category</option>
  <option value="movies">Movies</option>
  <option value="books">Books</option>
  <option value="games">Games</option>

<div id="anotherDiv"><!-- Place the dropdown here as well --></div>

$( ".categoryClass" ).clone().appendTo( "#anotherDiv" );


Answer №2

Preserve the original content within a placeholder script block as a reference (text/template is not recognized and will be disregarded).

<script id="dm" type="text/template">
       <option value="">Select Quantity</option>
       <option value="less ">50 - 60</option>
       <option value="medium ">61 - 70</option>
       <option value="large ">71 - 80</option>
       <option value="xl ">Above 80</option>

Duplicate by executing:

var copy = $('#dm').html();

This prevents encountering issues with unique identifiers (since the select element has no ID). Moreover, it enhances readability and ease of maintenance.

Furthermore, if you intend to include this in a form, ensure that the select element is assigned a name:

var $copy = $($('#dm').html()).attr('name', newMenuName);

note: The additional $() method is used to convert the string into a DOM element before adding the attribute.

Answer №3

If you're hesitant about using a full templating engine like Handlebar or similar, consider a simpler solution by storing the HTML code in a variable and inserting it when needed. The downside to this approach is potential complexity and maintenance issues within the HTML code itself. Here's an example utilizing jQuery:


var myDropDown = 'your html code goes here'



<div id="myDropDown"></div>

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