Reorder elements using CSS when they do not share the same immediate parent container

I am looking to rearrange the order of some items on my page using JS or CSS. The project I am working on is written with ReactJS. Here is the basic structure:

<div class="parent">
  <div class="header"></div>

  <button type="submit" class="B"></button>
 <checkbox class="A"></checkbox>

What I want to achieve is to move A between the header and B elements.

It's not possible to use flexbox since the items do not share the same parents. Using the appendChild function would have the same effect as placing the A element directly before B.

To be more precise, this checkbox is affecting my validation because I utilize WithValidationRules in React, so I need to place it outside that wrapper.

Are there any other methods to relocate this element? I would prefer a solution using CSS.

Thank you!

Answer №1

Upon initial inspection, my recommendation would be to avoid using a library that imposes such restrictions on you. Have you double-checked your validation settings to ensure that A can come before B?

If there truly is no alternative, you could create space between the header and B by adding a gap or margin, and then apply translateY("the necessary height adjustment") to A.

If A's position is relative to its parent, using calc(100% + height of B) should suffice. Remember to factor in any padding, margins, and gaps in the form calculations.

Please inform me if you encounter any difficulties with this approach.

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