Removing the rubber band scrolling feature on Mac computers

While I am pleased with the overall look of my website, I have noticed that users with trackpads on Macs experience distortion when accessing it. I am seeking assistance in addressing this issue, particularly in disabling or minimizing the impact of trackpad scrolling from left to right, also known as rubber band scrolling.

The website in question is ->circahealthcare dot com<-. To understand the problem, please visit the site on a Mac and attempt scrolling left or right using the trackpad.

I am curious if this issue is related to the client side, or if there are any CSS/JS solutions to prevent this effect. Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

It appears that there is some unusual horizontal scrolling on the x-axis, even in Windows. Have you considered adding the following CSS rule to address this issue?

body {
   overflow-x: hidden;

Give it a try and see if it resolves the behavior you are experiencing.

Answer №2

This behavior is inherent to OSX and is not easily controlled using client-side code. However, users do have the option to disable it through the terminal on a Mac.

For more information on how to turn off elastic scrolling in OS X Lion, please visit .

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