Removing an Element According to Screen Size: A Step-by-Step Guide

Currently, I am facing a dilemma with two forms that need to share the same IDs. One form is designed for mobile viewing while the other is for all other devices. Despite using media queries and display: none to toggle their visibility, both forms are still technically present on the page, resulting in functionality issues. To resolve this, I am exploring options to completely eliminate the element based on the screen size rather than just hiding it.

I am at an impasse and urgently need to complete the site migration by tonight. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Check out this solution using jQuery to create a 'resize' event listener for window: jQuery on window resize

In the event handler, assess the screen size (Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window)

To remove an element using jQuery, use remove() method: and then use append() method to add a new one:

(Make sure to only remove and add elements when transitioning between different size ranges, not every time the window is resized)

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