Remove the div of the previous selection in jQuery and add the current selection by appending it, ensuring only one selection per row is allowed when

Here is a code snippet that includes buttons appending selections to the "cart" div upon clicking.

The first script ensures only one selection per row when multiple buttons in the same row are clicked.

In the second script, selections are appended to the "cart" div and removed if they have been unselected.

An issue arises when clicking on multiple buttons in the same row. The first script works as intended, deactivating the previous selection and activating the current button. However, the second script is meant to update the new selection for the active button and remove the previous one in the same row.

How can I amend the second script to address this functionality?

<body style="margin:10px;">

  <div class="cart">
    <div id="box" class="boxlit"></div><br>

  <table id="Table1" class="Fixtures-Table">

    <thead class="disnon">
          <th>Home [1]</th>
          <th>Draw [x]</th>
          <th>Away [2]</th>

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Almagro-Temperley</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="3" value="1.95" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="4" value="2.95" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="5" value="3.90" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Guillermo Brown-Santamarina</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="6" value="1.65" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="7" value="3.25" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="8" value="5.10" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Nueva Chicago-CSD Flandria</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="9" value="2.25" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="10" value="2.85" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="11" value="3.15" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 




The first script allows one selection per row upon clicking multiple buttons within the same row.



$('.decimals').click(function() { 

if ($(this).attr('data-selected') === 'true') {

$(this).attr('data-selected', 'false');


} else {


.removeClass('active').attr('data-selected', 'false');

$(this).attr('data-selected', 'true');





The second script appends selections to the "cart" div and updates them when choices change or get deselected.

It should replace the previous selection in the same row with the current active button's choice.


  let $th = $('#Table1 thead th');
  $(".decimals").on('click', e => {
  let $btn = $(;
  let $option = $(`.box[data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}"]`);
  let $tr = $btn.closest('tr');
  let selectionIndex = $btn.closest('td').index();
  let kickoff = $tr.find('td:last').text().trim();
  let match = $tr.find('td:first').text().trim();
  let result = $th.eq(selectionIndex).text().trim();
  let value = $btn.val();
  if ($option.length){
  $("#box").append(`<div class="box" data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}">${match}<br>${result}<div class="crtTotal">${value}</div><input type="hidden" name="kickoff[]" value="${kickoff}"/><input type="hidden" name="match[]" value="${match}"/><input type="hidden" name="result[]" value="${result}" readonly/><input type="hidden" name="value[]" value="${value}"/></div>`);

.decimals {
    background-color: rgb(31, 31, 31);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border: 2px solid #0e1516;
    border-radius: 4px;
    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 4px 10px;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-width: 1px;
    cursor: pointer;

.decimals:hover {
     background: rgb(51, 51, 51);

.active:hover {

    background: rgb(161, 0, 0);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border-color: rgb(156, 0, 0);

Answer №1

The problem was traced back to the set timeout function, which was causing issues. I made some adjustments in the code snippet below:

Now, when the stake is changed, it updates accordingly after adding a small line of code.

let $th = $('#Table1 thead th');

$('.decimals').click(function(e) { 

let $btn = $(;
  let $option = $(`.box[data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}"]`);
  let $tr = $btn.closest('tr');
  let selectionIndex = $btn.closest('td').index();
  let kickoff = $tr.find('td:last').text().trim();
  let match = $tr.find('td:first').text().trim();
  let result = $th.eq(selectionIndex).text().trim();
  let value = $btn.val();

var knowit = $(this).closest('.items').find('.addItem').text();

var radiovalue = $(this).attr('value');

if ($('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'")').length < 1) {

  $("#box").append(`<div class="box" data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}">${match}<br><span>${result}</span><div class="crtTotal">${value}</div><input type="hidden" name="kickoff[]" value="${kickoff}"/><input type="hidden" name="match[]" value="${match}"/><input type="hidden" name="result[]" value="${result}" readonly/><input type="hidden" name="value[]" value="${value}"/></div>`);}

else if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
$('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'")').remove()

else {
$('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'") .crtTotal').text(radiovalue);

$('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'") span').text(result);

.decimals {
    background-color: rgb(31, 31, 31);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border: 2px solid #0e1516;
    border-radius: 4px;
    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 4px 10px;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-width: 1px;
    cursor: pointer;

.decimals:hover {
     background: rgb(51, 51, 51);

.active:hover {

    background: rgb(161, 0, 0);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border-color: rgb(156, 0, 0);
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body style ="margin:10px;">

  <div class="cart">
    <div id="box" class="boxlit"></div><br>

<div class="shift">

  <div>Total Odds: <b id="ct1">0.00</b></div><br>

  <div>(N$)Stake: <input id="stake" type ="number" name="stake[]" value="5"> NAD</div><br>

  <div>Payout: N$ <b id="payout">0.00</b></div>

  <input class="bet1" type="submit" name="submit" value="Bet">


  <table id="Table1" class="Fixtures-Table">

    <thead class="disnon">
          <th>Home [1]</th>
          <th>Draw [x]</th>
          <th>Away [2]</th>

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Almagro-Temperley</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="3" value="1.95" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="4" value="2.95" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="5" value="3.90" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Guillermo Brown-Santamarina</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="6" value="1.65" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="7" value="3.25" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="8" value="5.10" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Nueva Chicago-CSD Flandria</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="9" value="2.25" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="10" value="2.85" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="11" value="3.15" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 




$('.decimals').click(function() { 

if ($(this).attr('data-selected') === 'true') {

$(this).attr('data-selected', 'false');


} else {


.removeClass('active').attr('data-selected', 'false');

$(this).attr('data-selected', 'true');







$('.decimals').click(function(e) { 

$('body').on('change', '#stake', function(e){

var updateoddsnpayout =  function(e) {
let values = $('.crtTotal').map((i, el) => parseFloat(el.textContent)).get();
let total = values.reduce((a, b) => a * b, values.length > 0 ? 1 : 0);
let eq = 0
let tot = eq += total


var z = 0
var x = parseFloat($('#ct1').text()?? 0);
var y = parseFloat($('#stake').val()?? 0);
var net = z + x * y




Answer №2

It seems that the main issue stemmed from trying to remove the existing appended cart div. In my attempt to resolve this, I made some changes in the hopes of fixing the problem. However, it might be more effective to simply update the values directly within the code to avoid any flickering issues.

let $th = $('#Table1 thead th');

$('.decimals').click(function(e) { 

let $btn = $(;
  let $option = $(`.box[data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}"]`);
  let $tr = $btn.closest('tr');
  let selectionIndex = $btn.closest('td').index();
  let kickoff = $tr.find('td:last').text().trim();
  let match = $tr.find('td:first').text().trim();
  let result = $th.eq(selectionIndex).text().trim();
  let value = $btn.val();

var knowit = $(this).closest('.items').find('.addItem').text();

var radiovalue = $(this).attr('value');

if ($('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'")').length < 1) {

setTimeout ( function () { 
  $("#box").append(`<div class="box" data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}">${match}<br><span>${result}</span><div class="crtTotal">${value}</div><input type="hidden" name="kickoff[]" value="${kickoff}"/><input type="hidden" name="match[]" value="${match}"/><input type="hidden" name="result[]" value="${result}" readonly/><input type="hidden" name="value[]" value="${value}"/></div>`); },0) }

else if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
$('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'")').remove()

else {
$('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'") .crtTotal').text(radiovalue);

$('.boxlit .box:contains("'+knowit+'") span').text(result);

.decimals {
    background-color: rgb(31, 31, 31);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border: 2px solid #0e1516;
    border-radius: 4px;
    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 4px 10px;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-width: 1px;
    cursor: pointer;

.decimals:hover {
     background: rgb(51, 51, 51);

.active:hover {

    background: rgb(161, 0, 0);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    border-color: rgb(156, 0, 0);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body style ="margin:10px;">

  <div class="cart">
    <div id="box" class="boxlit"></div><br>

  <table id="Table1" class="Fixtures-Table">

    <thead class="disnon">
          <th>Home [1]</th>
          <th>Draw [x]</th>
          <th>Away [2]</th>

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Almagro-Temperley</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="3" value="1.95" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="4" value="2.95" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="5" value="3.90" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Guillermo Brown-Santamarina</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="6" value="1.65" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="7" value="3.25" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="8" value="5.10" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 

  <tr class="items" style="display: table-row;">
    <td class="addItem">Nueva Chicago-CSD Flandria</td> 
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="9" value="2.25" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="10" value="2.85" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="bbox"><input type="button" class="decimals" id="11" value="3.15" data-selected="false"></td>
    <td id="date">8/1/2022 8:00:00 PM</td> 




$('.decimals').click(function() { 

if ($(this).attr('data-selected') === 'true') {

$(this).attr('data-selected', 'false');


} else {


.removeClass('active').attr('data-selected', 'false');

$(this).attr('data-selected', 'true');






Answer №3

After much thought, I decided to enhance the shopping cart by incorporating a feature that computes total odds and payout using the reduce method. However, I encountered a minor issue with the calculation process when adding the first selection. It seems like the total is only calculated after the second button click. Each subsequent button click triggers the calculation to start from the second click onwards, giving the impression of taking one step back when appending additional selections.

Below is the code snippet for the shopping cart:

<div id="box" class="boxlit"></div><br>
  <div class="shift">
    <div>Total Odds: <b id="ct1">0.00</b></div><br>
    <div>(N$)Stake: <input id="stake" type ="number" name="stake[]" value="5"> NAD</div><br>
    <div>Payout: N$ <b id="payout">0.00</b></div>
    <input class="bet1" type="submit" name="submit" value="Bet">

This section contains the code responsible for calculating the total odds and payout of multiple selections:

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('.decimals').click(function(e) { 
      let values = $('.crtTotal').map((i, el) => 

      let total = values.reduce((a, b) => a * b, values.length > 0 ? 1 : 0);
      let eq = 0
      let tot = eq += total


      var z = 0
      var x = parseFloat($('#ct1').text()?? 0);
      var y = parseFloat($('#stake').val()?? 0);
      var net = z + x * y

I attempted to identify the source of the problem and it appears to be within the setTimeout segment:

setTimeout(function() { 
  $("#box").append(`<div class="box" data-id="${$btn.prop('id')}">${match}<br><span>${result}</span><div class="crtTotal">${value}</div></div>`);

The above code fragment appends values to the cart. How can I adjust my code to ensure the calculation starts from the first button click?

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