Reflecting on the background image

I have set a background image using

background:url(my_image.jpg) no-repeat;
, but now I am looking to add a reflection effect similar to what is seen on this website: .

Is there a way to achieve this using a JavaScript script or CSS hacks?

Thank you,

Answer №1

If you're looking for a jQuery plugin that can accomplish this task, check out:

Answer №2

While I might not be familiar with a specific CSS technique for achieving this (aside from potentially cropping the image and placing it within a new div, then applying a background using CSS), an alternative approach could involve leveraging jQuery's reflection plugin.

Answer №3

To create the desired effect, utilize HTML5 canvas and for Internet Explorer compatibility, consider using DirectX filters. Additionally, there is a convenient pre-built library available to simplify the process:

Answer №4

It is possible to achieve this using only CSS, but it may not work correctly on all browsers except for Webkit.

To learn more about how to implement this technique, visit this link

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