React - CSS Transition resembling a flip of a book page

As I delve into more advanced topics in my journey of learning React and Front Web Dev, I discovered the ReactCSSTransitionGroup but learned that it is no longer maintained so we now use CSSTransitionGroup.

I decided to create a small side project to experiment with new techniques. I successfully implemented a slide transition between two pages.

Now, my goal is to enhance this by creating a book-like page transition where the current page deforms to reveal the next one.

I have been searching for a solution, considering options like WebGL or plain CSS3 Transitions, but I feel overwhelmed and lost.

If someone could not only provide code snippets but also explain the approach to achieve this transition, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

Mastering CSS transitions is a breeze once you grasp the basics.

#myElement {
   transition: all .5s;

This snippet of code essentially instructs that any style modifications on my #myPage element should take .5 seconds to complete. Keep in mind, this only works with measurable property values. For example, transitioning from display:none to display:block will not produce any transition effects unless you adjust height or width values instead.

#myElement {
    transition: width 2s, height 4s;

You can also individually target properties by listing them after the transition property.

Furthermore, you can utilize the transform property in CSS to manipulate elements in three dimensions.

    transition: transform 1s;
    transform: rotateX(150deg);
    transform: rotateY(150deg);
    transform: rotateZ(150deg);

Hopefully, these insights serve as a stepping stone for your journey into CSS transitions.

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