React Bootstrap - issue with sticky positioning not functioning

Having some trouble with the position-sticky class in React Bootstrap. It's not working as expected, and there doesn't seem to be any overflow at all levels. Any suggestions for how to fix this?

Answer №1

After some investigation, it became apparent that the Container required a specific height in order to function properly.

By including height: 100% in the parent element and top: 0 in the child element, the issue was resolved.

This issue arose because the sticky rule relies on the parent's height to determine its own position.

In React Bootstrap, applying the className h-100 can set the height to 100%.

Hopefully, this solution will be beneficial to others as well :)

Answer №2

    <MenuContainer className="">
      <NavigationBar.Brand as={Link} to="/">
        <graphic height={"30px"} source={logo} description="" />
      <NavigationBar.Toggle aria-controls="responsive-navigation-bar-nav" />
      <NavigationBar.Collapse id="responsive-navigation-bar-nav">
        <NavigationList className="me-auto">
          <NavigationItem link="home#services">Services</NavigationItem>
          <NavigationItem link="home#experts">Experts</NavigationItem>
          <Dropdown title="Dropdown" identity="collapsible-navigation-dropdown">
            <Dropdown.Item href="#action/3.1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
            <Dropdown.Item href="#action/3.2">
              Additional action
            <Dropdown.Item href="#action/3.3">
              Something else
            <Dropdown.Divider />
            <Dropdown.Item href="#action/3.4">
              Diverse connection
          <NavigationItem as={Link} to="/about">
            About Us
          <NavigationItem as={Link} to="/login">
            Sign In

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