React Application Appearing Distinct in Localhost and gh-pages Environment

Hello, I am new to React and currently working on building a portfolio. I encountered an issue while using the react-mdl library for the projects page. Specifically, when viewing my project on a mobile interface (tested on FireFox, Chrome dev tools, and OnePlus 7 Pro), the layout looks good. However, after pushing the code to Github Pages, the layout appears significantly different and not visually appealing.

I have tried various solutions to fix this issue, but none have worked so far. Any guidance to help me resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.

For better understanding, I have provided screenshots:

Localhost view:

Github Pages View:

I apologize for not directly posting the code here to avoid cluttering the post with large media files. If you need additional information, please let me know. Thank you for your assistance.

Answer â„–1

It appears that the contents of the public folder in your repository have remained unchanged for the past month. If you're failing to build your project before deploying it to gh-pages, the live version of your website may be utilizing an outdated version which could result in formatting issues.

Make sure to execute npm run build followed by npm run deploy. This sequence will ensure that your public folder is updated with the most recent modifications you've made and subsequently deploy these fresh updates.

To learn more about the public folder in your CRA, check out this link -

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