React App Showing Scrollbar When Material UI AppBar is Present

I'm encountering a straightforward issue in my React application. How can I get rid of the scrollbar on my page? It seems like the problem arises from the height value I set to 100vh. However, upon removing the AppBar, the scrollbar disappears. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

You can view my code on CodeSandbox by clicking here

  <AppBar position="static">
      <Typography variant="h6">News</Typography>
  <Grid container component="main" className={classes.root}>
    <CssBaseline />
    <Grid item xs={false} sm={4} md={7} className={classes.image} />
    <Grid item xs={12} sm={8} md={5} component={Paper} elevation={6} square>
      <div className={classes.paper}>
        <Avatar className={classes.avatar}>
          <LockOutlinedIcon />
        <Typography component="h1" variant="h5">
          Sign in
        <form className={classes.form} noValidate>
            label="Email Address"
            control={<Checkbox value="remember" color="primary" />}
            label="Remember me"
            Sign In
          <Grid container>
            <Grid item xs>
              <Link href="#" variant="body2">
                Forgot password?
            <Grid item>
              <Link href="#" variant="body2">
                {"Don't have an account? Sign Up"}
          <Box mt={5}>
            <Copyright />

Answer №1

Your styling includes a height: 100vh for the main section. However, this causes the AppBar section to be positioned outside of the main section. To eliminate the scrollbar, remove the specific height assigned to the AppBar, which is currently set at 64px, when defining the height property for the main section:

height: calc(100vh - 64px);

Answer №2

There are a couple of methods to achieve this.
Firstly, you can set the position="fixed" property in the material-ui Appbar. This will keep the header fixed while allowing other elements to adjust accordingly. To maintain the same visual appearance, add padding equal to the height of the Appbar (typically around 64px).

Secondly, you can add paddingTop to the Grid container equal to the height of the Appbar, while keeping the position="static" property the same. Another approach is to subtract the appbar height from the total height using "calc(100vh - 64px)"

The key point here is to account for the appbar height when styling a static appbar within the Grid container.

Answer №3

If the AppBar height is not always 64px, it may be suitable for your specific case.

In my situation,

<AppBar position="sticky">

solved the problem.

If this solution does not work for you, there could be other styles causing the issue.

Just to provide more context, I also have the following styles applied:

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;

html, body, #root {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

The #root element is the main div with the id root, where React renders all components.


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