Rails: Utilizing Images as Hyperlinks

I am looking to add a unique touch to my nav bar by incorporating an image as a clickable link. When the user clicks on the image, I want it to take them to the next site. Below is the code snippet that I am currently using to create this linked image effect within my navigation bar:

<a class="nav" <%= link_to "Home", posts_path %> </a>

Answer №1

If you want to add a block to the link_to method, you can do so by following this example:

<%= link_to products_path do %>
   <%= image_tag "picture" %>
<% end %>

Answer №2

<%=link_to(image_tag("path_to_top_image.jpg", class: "custom_img_class"), articles_path, class: "nav-brand"%>

Answer №3

<div class="header-logo" id="home-link">
    <a href="/home" style="display:inline-block">
        <%= image_tag "companylogo.png", width:200, height:100 %> 

Answer №4

If you are utilizing Active Storage with Rails, here is a way to achieve this:

Imagine you have a model called Product and an attribute named image:

For the Index page

<%= link_to product do %>
  <%= image_tag(product.image, class: 'product-image__img') if product.image.attached? %>
<% end %>


<%= link_to(product) do %>
  <%= image_tag(product.image, class: 'product-image__img') if product.image.attached? %>
<% end %>

For the Show page

<%= image_tag(@product.image, class: 'product-image__img') if @product.image.attached? %>

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