quirky behavior of form inputs on mobile devices in a responsive webpage

I encountered a strange issue while developing a responsive webpage with form input. Whenever I tapped on an input field on my mobile phone to enter something, the screen would zoom in and cut off the text box on the left side, making it impossible to see what I typed.

Here is how the screen looked before entering input mode: https://i.sstatic.net/23eFx.jpg

and this is how it appeared once in input mode: https://i.sstatic.net/IFdOL.jpg

When I tried zooming out by pinching the screen, this is what I saw: https://i.sstatic.net/miabF.jpg

I am puzzled as to what went wrong in my responsive webpage design that caused such behavior. I tested the page on Chrome and Firefox on my mobile phone without enabling "Request desktop site".

The only part of my code that seems suspect is:

@media only screen and (orientation: landscape)
    .main-box { width: 100%; }
    img.full    { width: 100%; }        

        width: 600px;
        height: 80%;
        z-index: 1;
        position: absolute;
        left: 50%;
        top: 50px;
        transform: translate(-50%, 0%);     
        background-color: #fff7;        
    ... /*other unrelated styling stuff*/

Since there are various screen resolutions on mobile phones, I assumed Portrait orientation indicated a mobile device, while Landscape suggested a desktop PC or tablet where content should be limited to an 800px area centered to the screen.

.main-box is a div container for the entire page, while .main-body will adjust its width based on the orientation - either take up 100% width in Portrait mode or 600px in Landscape mode.

The odd behavior during input mode might be due to the virtual keyboard taking up some screen space, possibly causing the layout to switch to Landscape mode, hence breaking the design.

If anyone knows any tips or tricks to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.

Alternatively, does anyone know how to accurately determine the screen width of a mobile phone? Despite having a FHD resolution, adjusting my pages to fit without needing "request desktop version" shows a much smaller 'virtual' screen width, around 350 to 400px.

Answer №1

This issue occurs when using iPhone, both in Safari and Chrome browsers on mobile devices.

If you're facing this problem, check out this post on StackOverflow for a solution: How to Disable Auto Zoom in Input "Text" Tag on Safari for iPhone

I hope this resolves the issue for you.

Answer №2

window.innerWidth or screen.width can be utilized in Javascript to retrieve the screen width of a device.

It is advisable to avoid using px for defining width and height when aiming for responsiveness. Instead, opt for %, em, or VW.

.main-body { width: 600px; *** 

You may consider utilizing it like this:

.main-body { width: 80%;

Answer №3

Ensure that your input font size is at least 16px to prevent automatic zoom...

The system will automatically zoom in if the input fields have a font size too small.

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