Properly implement CSS to ensure text responds effectively across different devices

I need some help reducing the size of my commerce titles in the responsive version. I've tried using CSS, but nothing seems to be working. Currently, this is what I have for the main slider text:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {.zphero-banner-style-11 .zpheading, .zshero-banner-style-11 .zpheading {font-size: 22px;;}}

You can check out my website and see the issue for yourself. Click here for an image description.

Can anyone help me figure out where I'm going wrong?

Answer №1

The current path for your CSS is as follows:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    .zphero-banner-style-11 .zpheading, .zshero-banner-style-11 .zpheading {
        font-size: 22px;;

It is difficult to determine without seeing the associated HTML, but it appears that the existing classes applied may have a higher priority than your new media query. One suggestion is to add !important to the font size declaration. If that doesn't work, consider making your selector more specific.

@media (max-width: 600px) {
    .zphero-banner-style-11 .zpheading, .zshero-banner-style-11 .zpheading {
        font-size: 22px !important;

Here are some interesting points to consider about selector priority:

100 points for IDs
10 points for classes and pseudo-classes
1 point for tag selectors and pseudo-elements
Note: Inline styling automatically takes precedence (1000 points)

If there are conflicting styles, the browser will always choose the one with higher weight. The order of your stylesheets only matters when priorities are equal, which is why overriding Bootstrap can be challenging.

Currently, your media query CSS selectors have a weight of 20 points due to the presence of 2 class names affecting the change.

Using !important will force a declaration to override others within the same cascade layer and origin. While not recommended, it can be effective in certain situations.

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