Progressing through the Material UI LinearProgress bar in steps

How can I split a progress bar into more steps to achieve a design like this?

I attempted using this code but couldn't find an option for splitting:

  classes={{ root: "progressBar", bar: "progressBar-bar" }}
  value={(100 / stepsNumber) * stepNumber}

Are there any additional options that I can add?

Answer №1

When discussing the concept of steps, I would suggest utilizing the Stepper component to implement this functionality.

Below is some code that provides a basic version of the component you are seeking:

// manage the step state
const [stepNumber, setStepNumber] = useState(1);
const stepsNumber = 6;
// generate an array with steps [0,1,2,...]
const steps = Array.from({ length: stepsNumber }, (_, i) => i);

// ...

    display: "flex",
    justifyContent: "center",
    width: "100%",
    maxWidth: 300,
  { => (
        background: label < stepNumber ? "black" : "grey",
        height: 12,
        flex: 1,
        borderRadius: 12,

I have created a codesandbox demo here

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