Problems with WordPress Theme Rendering in Outdated Versions of Internet Explorer

Currently, I am developing a website for Chase on the Lake at While everything looks perfect in FireFox, there are some display issues when viewing it in Internet Explorer. The dropdown transparency is not showing correctly, making it impossible to read, and the sidebar items have strange black borders around them. Please refer to the image below to get a visual of these problems. Any assistance in resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The issue with the black borders may be due to default CSS styles applied by Internet Explorer to specific elements. To address this, I suggest utilizing a "CSS reset" such as Eric Meyer's method before implementing any custom CSS to ensure consistent styling across different browsers.

For resolving the transparency in the menu, if you are using the rgba property for transparency in your CSS, it may not be compatible with IE 8 or older versions. A workaround is to include a standard rgb property as a backup that can be overridden by the rgba property in browsers that support it. Here is an example:

  background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) /*Fallback for non-rgba-supporting browsers*/
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);

Answer №2

Get rid of

.class {opacity: value;}

statement in your CSS for the images. Hopefully, this adjustment will resolve the issue you're experiencing. Also, consider using the following CSS rule:

a img {border: none 0;}

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