Problems with aligning elements to both the left and right sides of the same line

Currently, I have two divs that I would like to float on the left and right sides. However, they seem to be sticking together and I can't seem to separate them..


        <div id="nav_content">
            <div id="home_icon" />
            <div id="search_icon" />

I am attempting to float the home_icon to the left and search_icon to the right:


    background:white no-repeat;
    background:url(../images/home.png) no-repeat;
    transform: translateY(-50%);
    transition:ease-in-out 0.5s;

    background:url(../images/searchicon.png) no-repeat;
    transition:ease-in-out 0.5s;


Answer №1

It is not possible to use the syntax:

<div id="home_icon" />
<div id="search_icon" />

in HTML 5, as it is interpreted in the same way as:

<div id="home_icon">
<div id="search_icon">

This can confuse the browser by assuming that #search_icon is contained within #home_icon.

To avoid this issue, you can either switch the DocType to XHTML or properly close the divs.

For further information on this topic, you can refer to a related question - Are (non-void) self-closing tags valid in HTML5?
Try it out on jsFiddle -

Answer №2

The HTML closing tags you are using are incorrect

Correct way to use is:

<div id="home_icon">Left</div>
<div id="search_icon">Right</div>

You can remove the text 'Left' and 'Right' later on.

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