Following an update, Storybook is failing to apply JSX styles

After upgrading my project from NextJS 10 to NextJS 12, everything is functioning normally except for Storybook, which is now missing its styles.

I utilize the styled-jsx library to create embedded css, implementing it in this way:

const SearchResult = ({ onClick, vehicle }: SearchResultProps): JSX.Element => {
  return (
    <div className="search-result" data-testid="search-result" onClick={onClick}>
      <style jsx>{styles}</style>

The generated styles look like

class="jsx-2615582530 search-result"
. Previously, before the update, there would also be an embedded style search-result.jsx-2615582530 within the produced storybook. However, post-update, although the jsx style names are present, the actual styles seem to have disappeared.

I updated from styled-jsx version 3.3.1 to 5.0.0 and moved up to NextJS 12.0.3. I did not make any changes to loaders or anything else. It’s possible that webpack may have been upgraded during the process.

Here's my configuration:

const webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = ({ config }) => {
  // Fill in process.env on the client
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      'process.serializedEnv': {},

  // Sentry requires different packages for front and back end,
  // but in storybook we know it's always client side
  config.resolve.alias = {
    'sentry-alias': '@sentry/browser',
    '@/remoteConfig': './standardRemoteConfig',

    test: /\.md$/,
    loader: "raw-loader",

  config.externals = [...(config.externals || []), 'fs', 'net'];


  config.resolve.fallback = {
    "https": false,
    "stream": false,

  return config;

and here’s part of the main configuration:

module.exports = {
  core: {
    builder: 'webpack5',
  stories: ['../stories/**/*.stories.tsx'],
  addons: [

Additionally, when I include styles as

without the jsx prop, they do appear in the resulting storybook output.

However, the text appears strangely:

When using the jsx attribute, the <style /> element is entirely absent from the final markup.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

A more recent version of styled-jsx now requires the following:

+import { StyleRegistry } from 'styled-jsx';


-export const decorators = [withPaddings, withRedux(), (story: Function) => <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>{story()}</I18nextProvider>]
+export const decorators = [(Story) => (
+  <StyleRegistry>
+    <Story />
+  </StyleRegistry>
), withPaddings, withRedux(), (story: Function) => <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>{story()}</I18nextProvider>]

With these changes, embedded jsx styles are once again visible.

Answer №2

If you happen to stumble upon this, the solution that worked for me was updating styled-jsx to version 5.0.4. This resolved the issue as we are using Next 12 and have styled-jsx specifically included in our dependencies.

Check your package.json file for styled-jsx and ensure it is at the correct version (I recommend >=5.)

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