Problem with image title in jQuery mobile

My code seems to be having an issue where the title does not display completely when hovering over it. For example, if the title is set as "The Value", only "The" is shown and not "The Value". Can anyone help me identify the mistake? Thank you in advance.

var str1 = "The Value";
var str;
if (str1.length > 10) {
                        str = str1.substring(0, 10);
                        str = str + "...";

<li><div id=' + itemId + ' class="append_content" title=' + str1 + '><div class="append_pic"><img style="width:54px; height:54px;" src='+icon+'></div><div class="append_text">' + str + '</div></li>

Answer №1

Your attribute definitions are missing the proper encapsulation. It is crucial to use ="'+ value+'" when the value has spaces in it. Take a look at the following example:

name=' + var1 +'

should be

name="'+ var1 +'"

Make sure to apply this format to all attributes in your code.

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