Problem with image dimensions in Owl Carousel

I have been working on customizing a WordPress theme that originally utilized a bootstrap template. However, I am currently facing an issue with the slider designed for the testimonials section.

To create the slider, I decided to use Owl Carousel and included the shortcode below within the div in my index.php file:

    echo do_shortcode('[owl-carousel category="testimonial" singleItem="true" autoPlay="true"]');

The testimonial slider is supposed to display a client's statement along with their image in a circular format at the bottom. For styling the image, I added the following CSS code:

.img-circle {
  margin-top: 20px;
  height: auto;
  width: 100px;

Despite specifying the width of the image, it ends up taking the full width of the containing div. I intend to show only one client per slide, hence I used singleItem="true" in the shortcode. However, I am struggling to confine the image within the desired dimensions. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

To ensure proper display, make sure to specify the width and height attributes for the img tag. Additionally, set it to display: block in order to override Owl-carousel's 100% width setting.

For better results, consider wrapping the image within a container as shown below:


.wrapper-circle {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;


<div class="wrapper-circle">
    <img src="" alt="">

If you are unable to modify the HTML, you can apply CSS directly to the img tag like so:

display: block;
width: 50px;
height: auto;

For more information, refer to this link:

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