Problem: Implementing a horizontal scrolling feature using Skrollr

I'm interested in creating a horizontal animation controlled by skrollr. As I scroll down, I want the elements on my page to move from left to right within my container.

When all elements have the same width, setting the scrolling data from 100% to 0% works perfectly.

However, what if my images have different widths? Additionally, I would like to maintain the opacity animation for a fade-in, fade-out effect.

Below is the HTML code:

<div id="container">
    <div class="bg" style="background-color:red" 
        data-0="transform:translate3d(0%,0%,0); opacity:1"  
        data-5000="transform:translate3d(-100%,0%,0); opacity:0">

    <div class="bg" style="background-color:green;" 
        data-0="transform:translate3d(100%,0%,0); opacity:0"    

    <div class="bg" style="background-color:orange" 
        data-5000="transform:translate3d(100%,0%,0); opacity:0"     
        data-10000="transform:translate3d(0%,0%,0); opacity:1">

And here's the CSS:

#container {
div {
.bg {

Check out the Demo in Fiddle

Answer №1

To ensure your images fill the entire width, set the widths to 100% and enclose them within a container:

#wrapper {
img {
.bg-img {

Check out the live demo on Fiddle

Answer №2

It's not just about the width - think about how the height might affect the image display as well. Consider setting all dimensions to 100% with overflow: hidden, or utilize jQuery to dynamically adjust the image size to fit the container perfectly.

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