Generating an interactive Datepicker using Jquery

How can I design a dynamic date picker similar to the image provided below?

I have attempted to create one, but I am looking for a more interactive date picker. Is there a way to achieve the design shown in the image? The current date picker does not meet my requirements for my assignment submission.


        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Design Challenge</title>

        <!-- Viewport-->
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />

        <!-- Favicons
        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="img\favicon.png" type="image/x-icon"> -->

        <!-- Bootstrap-->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

         <link href = ""
         rel = "stylesheet">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>

        <script src="js/date.js"></script>

        <!-- Custom CSS-->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

        <section id="block2">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="well"></div>
        <section id="nach">
            <div class="container2" style="margin-top:40px">
                <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
                  <table class="table">
                      <tr class="header">
                        <td style="padding-left:25px;">Show</td>
                             <option value="" style="display:none;"></option>
                             <option value="0">KYC <span>COMPLETED</span></option>
                             <option value="1">MANDATE <span>SENT</span></option>
                             <option value="2">MANDATE <span>RECEIVED</span></option>
                      <tr class="body">
                        <td ></td>
                        <td style="text-align:left;">Customers</td>
                        <td>KYC COMPLETED</td>
                        <td>MANDATE SEND</td>
                      <tr id="calenderdate">
                        <td style="text-align:left;">Ellen <span>De generes</span></td>
                        <td><input type="text" is-datepicker="1" disabled placeholder="01/02/2016">
                        <img class="checked" src="img/success.png" width="10px" height="10px">
                        <td ><input type="text" is-datepicker="1" disabled placeholder="01/02/2016">
                          <img class="checked" src="img/success.png" width="10px" height="10px">
                        <td class="tick2"><input type="text" id = "datepicker" disabled placeholder="01/02/2016"></td>
                        <td class="wrong"><input type="text" id = "datepicker" disabled placeholder="01/02/2016"></td>
                      <tr id="calenderdate">
                        <td style="text-align:left;">De generes</td>
                        <td><input type="text" is-datepicker="1" disabled placeholder="01/02/2016">
                          <img class="checked" src="img/success.png" width="10px" height="10px">
                        <td><input type="text" is-datepicker="1" placeholder="01/02/2016">
                          <img class="checked" src="img/gear.png" width="10px" height="10px">
                        <td class="tick3"><input type = "text" id = "datepicker" disabled placeholder="dd mm yy"></td>
                        <td class="wrong3"><input type = "text" id = "datepicker" disabled placeholder="dd mm yy"></td>
         $( function() {
    $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
  } );

Answer №1

<input type="text" is-datepicker="1" />
<input type="text" is-datepicker="1" />
<input type="text" is-datepicker="1" />
<input type="text" is-datepicker="1" />

$(function() { 
  $("[is-datepicker=1]").each(function() {
      buttonImage: "img/calendar.png", 
      buttonImageOnly: true 

In the code above, we are utilizing the attribute is-datepicker for the input fields and instructing the JavaScript to implement the datepicker function on each of these elements.

Answer №2

When dealing with multiple dates, assign unique ids like datepicker1, datepicker2, and so on.

$( "#datepicker1" ).datepicker({
      showOn: "button",
      buttonImage: "images/calendar.gif",
      buttonImageOnly: true,

$( "#datepicker2" ).datepicker({
      showOn: "button",
      buttonImage: "images/calendar.gif",
      buttonImageOnly: true,

An alternative approach is to use a foreach loop as recommended by Roc Khalil

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