Preventing the stacking of numerous animations triggered by jquery events

Hey there! I'm currently working on a webpage and utilizing the Transit library for 3D rotations and other CSS transformations. On this page, I have three links that are set to scale up by 1.2 times when hovered over. Everything seems to be working well until I quickly move my mouse back and forth over the link multiple times. Instead of the animation occurring just once, it plays repeatedly based on how many times I hover over it. How can I ensure that regardless of how many times the mouse interacts with the div, the animation only occurs once (sort of like a prolonged hover effect)?

Do you get what I mean?

Here's the website link: LINK

Below is the jQuery code snippet:

//Just so you know, the ID of the div is "rotater"    
                $( "#banner").hide();
                $( "#rotater").hide();
                $( ".tab" ).hide();
                $( ".content" ).hide();
                $( "#share" ).hide();
                $( ".sidenav").hide();
                                             $("#rotater").fadeIn("fast").transition({rotateY:360, duration:3000});
                                            $( "#share" ).fadeIn("slow");$(".sidenav").fadeIn("slow");
                                            $("#dasu").animate({top:"65%",left:"75%"});}, 1000);
                $( ".sidenav" ).hover(function(){$("#"{scale:1.2});}, function(){$("#"{scale:1});}); // THIS IS THE CODE IN QUESTION
                $( "#share" ).hover(function(){$( "#share" ).animate({left:"0%"});}, function(){$( "#share" ).animate({left:"-15%"});});
                var cw = $('#rotater').width();
                setInterval(function(){$("#rotater").transition({rotateY:'+=360deg', duration:3000});},10000);

            $(window).load(function() {

Answer №1

If you wish to prevent multiple jQuery animations from running sequentially, it is important to include $(yourObj).stop() before starting each animation. The arguments within .stop(a, b) can be utilized to determine the behavior - whether the current animation should halt where it is and allow the new one to begin from that point, or if it should jump to the end state before the next animation commences.

Refer to the jQuery documentation for .stop() for a more comprehensive explanation. Oftentimes, the recommended approach is:

$(yourObj).stop(true, true);

This code snippet will advance the previous animation to its conclusion and remove it from the queue, enabling the subsequent animation to start immediately as though the initial one had already finished. It is advisable to incorporate this prior to every jQuery animation that may potentially be triggered before the preceding one finishes executing.

As an illustration, consider the following scenario:

$( "#share" ).hover(function(){
    $( "#share" ).animate({left:"0%"});
}, function(){
    $( "#share" ).animate({left:"-15%"});

This can be modified to:

$( "#share" ).hover(function(){
    $( "#share" ).stop(true, true).animate({left:"0%"});
}, function(){
    $( "#share" ).stop(true, true).animate({left:"-15%"});

In specific cases, setting the 2nd argument to true may not be necessary (in which case .stop(true) can suffice instead of .stop(true, true)). Depending on the particular operation and desired functionality, you may opt for the current animation to stop at its current position and allow the new animation to resume from there instead.

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