Is there a way to deactivate my buttons once a certain condition is met? Whenever the score reaches 5 on either side, the game just keeps going without displaying the final score. I attempted using a while loop, but it caused crashes. Is there a simple method similar to jQuery for disabling the buttons?
const rock = document.querySelector('.rock');
const paper = document.querySelector('.paper');
const scissors = document.querySelector('.scissors');
const h3 = document.querySelector('h3');
const pscore = document.querySelector('#pscore');
const cscore = document.querySelector('#cscore');
let computerScore = 0;
let playerScore = 0;
function computerPlay() {
var choice = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 ) + 1; //generate a number 1-3 to find computer choice
if(choice == 1) {
return 'rock';
else if(choice == 2) {
return 'paper';
else {
return 'scissors'
let result; // Is there a simpler way to write this code?
rock.addEventListener('click', () => {
if(computerPlay() == 'rock') {
result = `The computer chose rock and you chose rock! It's a tie! No change in score.`;
h3.textContent = result;
else if(computerPlay() == 'paper') {
result = `The computer chose paper and you chose rock! You lose! Computer Score +1!`;
h3.textContent = result;
cscore.textContent = computerScore;
else {
result = `The computer chose scissors and you chose rock! You win! Player Score +1!`;
h3.textContent = result;
pscore.textContent = playerScore;
let playerPaper = paper.addEventListener('click', () => {
if(computerPlay() == 'paper') {
result = `The computer chose paper and you chose paper! It's a tie!`;
h3.textContent = result;
else if(computerPlay() == 'scissors') {
result = `The computer chose scissors and you chose paper! You lose!`;
h3.textContent = result;
cscore.textContent = computerScore;
else {
result = `The computer chose rock and you chose paper! You win!`;
h3.textContent = result;
pscore.textContent = playerScore;
let playerScissors = scissors.addEventListener('click', () => {
if(computerPlay() == 'scissors') {
result = `The computer chose scissors and you chose scissors! It's a tie!`;
h3.textContent = result;
else if(computerPlay() == 'rock') {
result = `The computer chose rock and you chose scissors! You lose!`;
h3.textContent = result;
cscore.textContent = computerScore;
else {
result = `The computer chose paper and you chose scissors! You win!`;
h3.textContent = result;
pscore.textContent = playerScore;
function playGame(computerChoice) {
computerChoice = computerPlay();
if(playerScore == 5) {
h3.textContent = `The score is 5 to ${computerScore}! You win!`;
else if(computerScore == 5) {
h3.textContent = `The score is 5 to ${playerScore}! The computer wins!`;
The functionality works smoothly except for the 'end game' feature. Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated!