Prevent Material UI Chips from altering color upon activation

Chip number 3 in the image below appears with a slightly darker background color when clicked, but this change is unnecessary as only the delete button has functionality. Therefore, the change in color serves no purpose.

How do I prevent the background color from changing when a user clicks on the Chip?

I believe that custom styling needs to be implemented through React. When inspecting the element in devtools and setting it to ':active', there was no change in color, indicating that it may not be truly ':active' from a CSS standpoint. Since all styling is derived from React and Material UI library, applying custom styling within the React Component should resolve this issue.

Answer №1

There is no requirement for the color to change when clicked or active, as only the delete button serves a purpose.

Please consult the documentation below:

"It's important to note that without an onTouchTap property defined, the Chip can be focused but will not appear raised when clicked or touched."

The chip displays a focus color to indicate when it is in focus, whether through keyboard, mouse, or touch. This visual cue helps users identify which chip will be deleted when pressing the backspace key.

Source: I am the developer of the Chip component.

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