Prevent automatic image blurring within an SVGZ file

Utilizing SVGZ images on my HTML pages for their ability to be resized. These SVGZ images consist of enlarged PNGs that have been altered in specific ways that I desire to maintain, pixelation and all. Firefox is rendering them correctly (as designed in Inkscape):

Meanwhile, Chrome is automatically smoothing everything:

I am currently teaching a course where I aim to illustrate the process of creating image data across multiple iterations. I want to retain the pixelation, as it reflects the underlying data. Furthermore, the PNGs within the SVGZ contain the attribute

. I was hopeful that Chrome would acknowledge this and act accordingly.

(Please be informed that I have already attempted the CSS image-rendering: pixelated; workaround. It appears that this method would function effectively if I were displaying PNGs directly, however that is not the case here.)

Answer №1

Tested and working perfectly on Chrome:

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <image xlink:href="" width="100px" height="100px"/>

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <image xlink:href="" width="100px" height="100px" style="image-rendering: pixelated"/>

Answer №2

Building upon Paul's previous comment, I discovered a solution to the issue at hand.

In Chrome, it appears that ensuring the PNG within the SVG/SVGZ file has the attribute

style="image-rendering: pixelated"
is key. However,

  1. This method does not seem to work in Firefox.
  2. Unfortunately, this option is not available in Inkscape either, requiring manual modification of the SVG code if desired.

Both Firefox and Inkscape appear to favor

style="image-rendering: optimizeSpeed"
. As a workaround, I ended up including both in my SVGZ file:
. Although this successfully satisfied both browsers, it does necessitate direct editing of the image file's SVG code, as Inkscape does not offer a built-in solution for this.

Given the significant involvement of Inkscape in this process, I may consider adding an Inkscape tag to this discussion thread.

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