Preloaded background images are loaded twice

I have a background image that I am preloading and caching, but my code is not reading it from the cache. It keeps loading the image as if it is not cached. Even though I have 8 images in the "imgSrcArray," I have simplified this example by hard coding just one.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

imgSrcArray = ["images/img0"]; 

//preload image
$.each(imgSrcArray, function (i, val) {
    $(function() { 
        $(document.body).append($("<img id='imgHid" + i + "'/>").attr("src", val).hide()) 

    $('#bkgrnddiv').css('backgroundImage', 'url(images/img0)');   

Answer №1

I have optimized the code for better performance and ensured that the image is loaded only once. It seems like the issue may have been related to repeatedly adding elements during the document load in the loop.

var imageArray = [''];

function preloadImages() {
    $.each(imageArray, function(index, value) {
            $('body').append($("<img id='hiddenImg" + index + "'/>").attr("src", value).hide())


$(function() {
    console.log('Page fully loaded');

$(document).ready(function() {
    console.log('Document ready');
        'background': 'transparent url(' + imageArray +') no-repeat 0 50%'

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