Potential bug in Internet Explorer with positioning of relative sized table-cell element

I am struggling a bit here. On my webpage, I have background images that are sized to fit the container and the layout is responsive, with bubbles of images and headings positioned around it (resize the browser window to see how everything is placed). The image is visible by default, but the heading only appears on hover or touch. I need the headings to be centered both vertically and horizontally, so I used display: table for the parent element and display: table-cell for the heading itself. However, in IE (versions 9 to 11), the heading is displayed next to the parent element instead of on top of it. The height is correct, but the width is off. This issue does not occur in any other browsers. I am at a loss for ideas on how to resolve this problem, as my understanding of browser behavior is limited compared to yours. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

You can view the live code here:

Answer №1

It appears that Internet Explorer is interpreting the image as part of the first cell column, causing the label to be pushed to the right as a second column.

A potential solution is to use absolute positioning for the img element:

.products li a img {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: -1; 

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