Differences in Changing Div Background Between Firefox and Chrome

My webpage has a div element that I want to be able to change the background color of by clicking on it. The background should either be transparent with no color, or a reddish/pinkish shade.

I've written a javascript function to handle this functionality, where it checks the current background color and toggles it accordingly:

if (buttonBackground == "transparent") {
                //"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") {
 $('#delete_button_container_' + buttonNumber).css('background-color', '#ff9494');

} else if (buttonBackground == "rgb(255, 148, 148)") {

 $('#delete_button_container_' + buttonNumber).css('background', 'none');


The issue I'm facing is that Chrome reads the background-color property for transparent as "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" while Firefox reads it as "transparent". However, both browsers interpret the reddish/pinkish color '#ff9494' as "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"

This discrepancy is causing a problem where the functionality works in one browser but not the other. Any suggestions or solutions on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

To tackle this issue, I recommend using a CSS class. The default state of the delete_button_container can either be transparent or colored, but you can add a class to override this default and set the color as needed.

Here is the HTML code:

<div class="deleteButtonContainer transBackground"></div>

For the JavaScript part:

if($('#delete_button_container_' + buttonNumber).hasClass('transBackground')){
} else {

And finally, the CSS styles:

    background-color: rgb(255, 148, 148);

    background-color: none;

Note: The selector has been updated to use the ID that the original poster was using.

Answer №2

After considering the feedback, I made some adjustments and now the solution is operational:

let isTransparent = false;
if (buttonBackground === "transparent" || buttonBackground === "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") {
    isTransparent = true;

if (isTransparent) {
    $('#delete_button_container_' + buttonNumber).css('background-color', '#ff9494');
} else if (buttonBackground === "rgb(255, 148, 148)") {
    $('#delete_button_container_' + buttonNumber).css('background', 'none');

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