Positioning the search bar to the left with react-bootstrap-table

Is there a way to move the search bar of react-bootstrap-table to the left instead of keeping it on the right?

You can see an example here, at the bottom of the page:

I know that you can create a custom search panel and input, but that seems like a complex solution for just moving the search field to the left.

This is the current code I am using:

options: Options = {
    defaultSortName: 'Id',
    defaultSortOrder: 'desc', 
    noDataText: 'Empty',
    onRowClick: this.onRowClick.bind(this)
render() {
    return (
            <BootstrapTable containerStyle={{ marginTop: '10px' }} data={this.state.tableCases} options={this.options} striped={true} hover={true} search multiColumnSearch>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='Id' isKey={true} dataSort={true}>Case ID</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='CompanyName' dataSort={true}>Company Name</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='Title' dataSort={true}>Title</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='Family' dataSort={true}>Family</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='ApplicationDate' dataSort={true}>Application Date</TableHeaderColumn>

Answer №1

Here is my solution:

css: string = `.react-bs-table-tool-bar .col-xs-6.col-sm-6.col-md-6.col-lg-8 {
display: none;

render() {
    return (
            <BootstrapTable containerStyle={{ marginTop: '10px' }} data={this.state.tableCases} options={this.options} striped={true} hover={true} search>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='Id' isKey={true} dataSort={true}>Case ID</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='CompanyName' dataSort={true}>Company Name</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='Title' dataSort={true}>Title</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='Family' dataSort={true}>Family</TableHeaderColumn>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField='ApplicationDate' dataSort={true}>Application Date</TableHeaderColumn>

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