Positioning an asp:Button to the right of the asp:Wizard's Next Button

Development Platform: ASP.NET C#
Components Used: asp:Wizard and asp:Button

I am facing an issue with my asp:Wizard where the additional button I want to place is rendering below the wizard instead of beside the Next Button.
Is there a way to resolve this and have the button display correctly positioned next to the existing buttons?

Note: I am not utilizing StartNavigationTemplate, StepNavigationTemplate, or FinishNavigationTemplate in this scenario.

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a similar outcome without dealing with the complexities of extending the Wizard control, consider using a MultiView instead. By switching to a MultiView, you have more flexibility in controlling the flow programmatically. This may require a bit more effort on your part, but it offers greater customization and control over the process. It's akin to the difference between using a Repeater and a GridView - with a Repeater, you have more options for customization, even though it may involve additional work.

For a more detailed comparison and explanation, I recommend checking out this article.

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