Is there a way to target the mat-icon element using the icon's name in CSS

I have a group of mat-icons that are automatically generated, meaning I cannot assign them ids or classes. The only way to distinguish between them is by their names:

<mat-icon role="img">details</mat-icon>
<mat-icon role="img">edit</mat-icon>
<mat-icon role="img">delete</mat-icon>

My question is, can I target and style only the "delete" icon without affecting the others based on its name? Is this possible?

Answer №1

Short answer: unfortunately No!

Long answer:

The code snippet

<mat-icon role="img">delete</mat-icon>
will convert at runtime to something like this

class="mat-icon notranslate material-icons mat-icon-no-color"
role="img" aria-hidden="true">delete</mat-icon>

Upon closer inspection, it is evident that there are no useful identifiers (such as class names or data properties) within the element that can be targeted using CSS selectors. The only distinguishable information resides in the text content of the element which cannot be utilized for selecting elements as per the specifications.

There have been discussions about introducing the :contains() selector but it never materialized.


If all else fails, resorting to JavaScript/TypeScript may be the solution:

let editIcons =[]'mat-icon'), 
el => el.innerText=="edit");

editIcons.forEach( e => { = "red";

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