Position the paper-icon-button so that it is aligned to the top-right corner of the scaffold

Looking for a way to...

<core-scaffold id="core_scaffold">
    <core-header-panel mode="seamed" id="core_header_panel" navigation flex>
        <core-toolbar id="core_toolbar"></core-toolbar>
        <core-menu valueattr="label" id="core_menu" theme="core-light-theme">
            <core-item id="core_item" icon="settings" label="Item1" horizontal center layout></core-item>
            <core-item id="core_item1" icon="settings" label="Item2" horizontal center layout></core-item>
    <div id="div" tool>Title</div> <span flex tool></span>
    <paper-icon-button icon="more-vert" id="paper_icon_button" tool></paper-icon-button>

To achieve this, I have attempted to align the button at the end of the page and added a

<span tool flex></span>
here .

You can check out the demo site for more information.

Answer №2

the button's original styling was

#paper_icon_button {
    left: 610px;
    top: 10px;
    position: absolute;

however, it needed to be adjusted to

#paper_icon_button {
    position: relative;

*I just realized that these styles could have been modified by the designer...

Answer №3

To achieve your desired outcome, simply add the flex attribute to the title div and remove the unnecessary empty span.

Utilizing Polymer-0.5

<core-scaffold id="core_scaffold">
  <core-header-panel mode="seamed" id="core_header_panel" navigation flex>
    <!-- ... -->
  <div id="div" flex tool>Title</div>
  <paper-icon-button icon="more-vert" id="paper_icon_button" tool></paper-icon-button>

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