Position the div in the center of a container that is 100% width and has floating elements with dynamic widths

I am looking to align 3 divs inside a container div, with the arrangement of [LEFT] [CENTER] [RIGHT]. The container div should be 100% wide without a fixed width, and I want the center div to stay centered even when resizing the container. The left and right divs should expand or contract along with the container, while the center div has a fixed width. Currently, I have implemented the following code:

<div style="width: 100%">
    <div style="float: left; height: 50px;"></div>
    <div style="float: right; height: 50px;"></div>
    <div style="margin: 0 auto; height: 50px; width: 500px;"></div>
However, the issue is that the left and right divs are not visible due to the lack of a set width. Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this layout?

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this layout, CSS alone won't cut it. JavaScript is required. In the code snippet provided, the middle div remains fixed at 400px while the remaining space is divided between the left and right divs. This functionality can be implemented using jQuery.

function calculateWidth() {
    var windowWidth = $(window).width();
    var remainingWidth = windowWidth - $('.div2').width();
    $('.div1, .div3').css('width', remainingWidth / 2);

To see a working demo, visit http://jsfiddle.net/Y9Bn8/4/

Answer №2

If you are looking to avoid using javascript, another approach would be to set the center div with an absolute position and include two additional divs as buffers within the left and right divs:

<div style="width: 100%; text-align:center">
    <div style="width:50%; height: 50px; float:left">
        <div style="width:250px; height: 50px; float:right"></div>
    <div style="margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; position:absolute; left:0; right:0; width: 500px;height:50px;"></div>
    <div style="width:50%; height: 50px; float:right">
        <div style="width:250px; height: 50px; float:left"></div>

Answer №3

If your main focus is on Mozilla and WebKit, then delving into the realm of the Flexible Box Model could be beneficial:

This approach can effectively address various centering challenges using CSS alone. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the documentation and experiment with different settings to grasp its functionality fully.

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