Please use the standard format for text within a list item (li)

On one of the pages of my website, I'm dealing with a formatting issue involving a <ul>. Inside each <li> in the list, there is both an image and some accompanying text. However, when I try to place the image first followed by the text, the text gets pushed down and doesn't align properly. I attempted to use vertical-align: text-top on the image, but this only shifted the text to the top without allowing it to move down as more text was added.

If you'd like to see the issue for yourself, check out the JSFiddle link here -

Here's the HTML code snippet:

<div id="older-videos">    
            <img src="../Images/Article Images/GuliyevFace14.png" class="li-image" />
            Heydər Oğuzun Rəsul Quliyevlə Müsahibəsi - 29 İyul 2012, 2-ci hissə



And the corresponding CSS code:

#older-videos ul li {

#older-videos ul li img{ vertical-align:text-top;
.li-image {
    -moz-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;
-webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;
box-shadow: 5px 1px 5px #888;

Answer №1

It is great to see that you are specifying each <li> as a block element. To further enhance your design, consider applying a float property to your image. For instance, if you want the image to appear on the left side of the text, simply add float: left to the .li-image class. While aligning the text within the <li> may pose some challenges, experimenting with vertical-align and text-align properties for the <li> could yield positive results.

Regardless of the approach you take, I recommend maintaining display: block and floating the image. This strategy will help maintain your desired layout across different browsers where CSS rendering may vary.

Answer №2

Have you considered placing the descriptive text within a separate <li></li> element? This could provide a simple resolution to your issue.

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