What is the highest image size that desktop Chrome can accommodate?

Let's delve into a specific scenario amidst the vast possibilities. Assume the following technical specifications:

  • Browser: Chrome Latest (Desktop)
  • Hardware: Windows Standard PC with default Intel Graphics card
  • Ram: 8GB
  • Processor: i7 @ 3.40 GHz

The burning question is: What are the maximum Width x Height dimensions that I can support?

An attempt to insert a large image sized at 27150 x 20950 into an <img> tag results in Chrome crashing.

Hence, I seek clarity on the limits of width and height for images based on my system configurations.

Note: While exploring this matter, I stumbled upon an older forum post from 8 years ago.

Edit 1: It is worth noting that I successfully loaded a 160 Mb, 4000 x 4000 px file without any issues. The problematic image mentioned earlier, sized at 27150 x 20950, is significantly smaller at only 7 Mb. Compression is not viable in this case.

Answer №1

One interesting find was that in older versions of Chrome and Opera, the maximum image size was limited to 8192x8192. However, now with Chrome 75, things may have changed.

It seems like IE 5.5 to 10, FF 19, and Opera 9-12 supported larger images up to 16384x16384. I personally tested a PNG of that size successfully. Anything bigger, like 32768x32768, didn't show up properly - just a small white box on the screen.

I might give it another shot at home with my desktop setup, which has more RAM. Curious to see if that makes any difference!

Answer №2

After conducting some experiments on my personal computer (Chrome version 91.0) using ImageMagik to resize an image multiple times, I have compiled the following findings - all dimensions are in the form of wxh:

  • 65000 x 8192 (19.5MB) - displayed
  • 65000 x 9000 (20.9MB) - not displayed
  • 8192 x 65000 (31.9MB) - displayed
  • 8292 x 65000 (32.7MB) - not displayed
  • 8292 x 8292 (7.1MB) - displayed
  • 16384 x 16384 (14.5MB) - displayed
  • 23150 x 23150 (23.1MB) - displayed
  • 23165 x 23165 (23.7.5MB) - aspect ratio displayed, but image loaded white
  • 23170 x 23170 (sqrt(2^29)) (23.8.5MB) - not displayed

Hence, it appears that the total size of the image must be kept under 2^29 (539MP)

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